Biodiversity survey May 2018

On 12th May 2018 the West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre volunteers came to our site to conduct a wildlife survey as a follow up to the one they carried out in July 2017. The night before 3 moth traps were set up.

WWBIC recorders May 2018

On the day of the survey the sun shone all day and the recorders were on site for 9 hours surveying birds, invertebrates, plants and fungi. We were graced with a fly by just as we prepared to empty the moth traps first thing in the morning by a Goshawk – one of only 9 pairs in Pembrokeshire.

Emperor Moth


In the moth traps were less species than last July (a record 120 species) but some nice species like the Emperor Moth and Puss Moth.

The plant list from 2017 was added to with species found in the ancient hedgerows, woodland and field margins, including Royal Fern (Osmundus Regalis) and wild Solomon’s Seal.

Royal Fern: >70yrs old

We have copies of the full lists of species recorded here so if any of our campers are interested we can share this information and point any enthusiasts in the right direction to discover what our incredibly diverse site has to offer!